Monthly Archives: October 2023

Enhance Aesthetics and Durability: Laser vs. PUR Edge Banding Machines

Single colr PUR-glue-machine-for-edge-banding-machine

Edge banding machines are essential in industries like furniture and building materials due to their advanced features that offer efficient, high-quality panel edging. This year, the laser and PUR edge banding machines have gained popularity. PUR uses moisture-curing glue for a durable bond, while laser technology ensures precise, seamless edge sealing. Automated controls improve efficiency and productivity.

Choosing the Right Conveying Equipment for Woodworking Machinery

Edge banding machine roller conveyor return line

To choose the right conveying equipment, determine the dimensions of your product, which will dictate conveyor specifications. Belt conveyors are ideal for soft-surfaced materials and offer various protective features, while roller conveyors should be selected based on the hardness and weight of the product, ensuring appropriate load-bearing capacity.